13 Dec 2010

Fast Tomato-Goat Cheese Pie

Fast, extrimly easy and great with red wine!
May be it's not what you will impress your guests with, but for a calm cozy evening with couple of glasses of red wine - it's perfect! (recipe from belonika.ru)

You will need: puff pastry (Blätterteig, слоёное тесто), soft goat cheese - 200g, eggplant, 3 shallot onion, thyme, tomatos, solt, pfeffer.

Take a baking form, put some olive oil all over it. Then put the dough (B-teig), cheese mixed with thyme (you may also add the garlic - it will be only better!). Then circles of eggplant, then shallot, then tomatos, solt pfeffer on top a little bit. Bake for about 40 min and 180c.

Bon appetite!

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